I am honored to serve as President and CEO of Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. Even in the short period of time that I’ve been in this role, I see the tremendous impact we are making in the lives of those we serve. It’s hard to know where to start. So, I’ll keep it short.
For me, this is personal! I grew up in Boston at a time when Boston Harbor and the rivers flowing into it were so polluted, we used to say that a single dip in the water would mean a trip to the hospital. Today, the harbor’s stunning recovery is a national clean water success story! I know there are many other clean water successes just like this one, across the country for which we can give thanks.
We wouldn’t be where we are today without dedicated staff and volunteers who organize and support our winning campaigns. They are the ones delivering victories like the passage of Amara’s law in Minnesota earlier this year, the nation’s strongest PFAS prevention law and a model for local, state and federal action needed to protect our water and our health from these dangerous “forever” chemicals.
But ultimately, it is the support we receive from members and donors like you – your financial support AND your active involvement in our grassroots campaigns – that make the winning difference. THANK YOU.
As a mission-driven nonprofit, our purpose is clear. We protect clean water, from watershed to water tap. Almost everyone cares about clean water and wants to see it protected. But despite decades of steady progress there is still much to be done to realize our vision of clean water:
Clean water that is fishable, swimmable and drinkable for ALL people and communities.
Sometimes, our progress makes it easy for people to take clean water for granted. Today, more than ever, we need clean water protections that are strong and effective. We can and must keep on winning for our water, with many more victories to come – victories achieved through the power of collective action, community engagement, to secure policies and investments advancing the environmental and health solutions we all desire.
I am grateful for the core principles embodied in the tagline Clean Water Action - People. Action. Justice. All three are key ingredients for the clean water future we are building together.
Let's build on that progress remembering to always show gratitude for every victory as we continue to win for our water and our health.