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Publications by Clean Water Action

Letter to EPA: Propose PFAS Standards in Drinking Water

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund co-authored and mobilized allies to sign a letter urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Biden Administration to propose first-ever federal drinking water standards for some PFAS chemicals. EPA was supposed to publish the proposal in late 2022 but has yet to do so. The following letter, signed by over 100 environmental organizations, urges Administration officials and EPA to move forward which will lead to a public comment period and then finalization of Safe Drinking Water Act limits.

Clean Water Action y Clean Water Fund Informe Anual 2021

2021 trajo importantes cambios y nuevos avances en materia de agua limpia, clima y justicia ambiental

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund 2021 Annual Report

2021 brought major changes, new progress on clean water, climate and environmental justice.

The Roadmap for Reform

Over the last decade of research and advocacy, Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund has found that activities essential to oil and gas operations cannot be conducted without regulatory and legislative loopholes that put water at risk.

Clean Water Action y Clean Water Fund Informe Anual 2018

Adoptando una postura para proteger el agua limpia. El ambiente político y de política para proteger el agua limpia nunca ha sido más desafiante. Clean Water Action, sus miembros y sus aliados permanecen a la vanguardia de la lucha para mantener las protecciones fundamentales fuertes y eficaces — para nuestra agua, nuestra salud, nuestro clima y el futuro del planeta. Sin embargo, 2018 trajo algunas victorias importantes, y logros constantes en el tamaño y la fuerza de nuestro movimiento de agua limpia.

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund 2018 Annual Report

The political and policy environment for protecting clean water has never been more challenging. Clean Water Action, its members and allies remain on the front lines of the fight to keep fundamental protections strong and effective — for our water, for our health, for our climate and the planet’s future.