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The way we currently produce and use energy in the U.S. significantly contributes to the climate crisis and pollutes our water, air and communities. It also disproportionately harms low-income communities and communities of color. We believe that frontline and EJ communities should be protected and prioritized when it comes to addressing climate challenges.

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund are advancing climate solutions that reduce pollution in Massachusetts and make a clean energy future available to all. Learn more about our priority campaigns:

  • New England for Offshore Wind - As our region moves towards cleaner wind energy, Clean Water Action is working with allies and our union partners to ensure that our clean energy future is built by local workers, and that we equitably distribute new transmission infrastructure.
  • Energy Efficiency Programs - Making homes and buildings more energy efficient reduces climate emissions and saves ratepayers money. Clean Water Action is working to make sure that every homeowner AND renter can access programs to make their residences more energy efficient.
  • Environmental Justice and Siting Reform - As Massachusetts upgrades its energy infrastructure, it’s important to make sure that new energy facilities are equitably distributed, so that Environmental Justice communities are not continually overburdened.
  • Improving Air Quality - Poor air quality from transit pollution, energy generating stations, and other polluting facilities impacts everyone in Massachusetts, but it disproportionately harms low-income communities and communities of color. Clean Water Action is advancing both legislative and grassroots initiatives to improve air quality and respiratory health in Massachusetts.
  • Green Justice Coalition -  Clean Water Action has served since 2008 on the Steering Committee of the Green Justice Coalition (GJC), a partnership between labor and grassroots justice groups across Massachusetts, convened by our good friends at Community Labor United.
  • Youth Action Collaborative - Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund (CWF)’s Youth Action Collaborative (YAC) program aims to develop environmental leaders from Environmental Justice (EJ) communities.