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The Fillmore is a 1,199-person capacity music venue located in the Western Addition of San Francisco, California and, fittingly, where Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable avant-garde multimedia show took place.

The Fillmore transitioned from using compostable plastic cups to using TURN reusable cups in various sizes (5, 9, 12, 16, and 24-ounce sizes).

Business Profile:

Due to the higher cost of TURN cups compared to compostable plastic cups, the venue will incur an additional expense of $700 per year. However, The Fillmore may offset this cost by reducing their composting service by half after the introduction of TURN reusable cups.

Recology estimates that these changes in volume will result in an 8% reduction in service fees, which comes out to annual savings of $2,100. Taking into account both the slight increase in cost for TURN cups and the anticipated refuse savings, The Fillmore is projected to achieve a net annual savings of $1,400.

Read more in San Francisco Music Venues Raise the Bar for Sustainability: Case study on a reusable cup pilot at three San Francisco venues.

Business Information:

1805 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94115
United States

The Bottom Line


Single-Use Cups Eliminated Annually


Pounds Of Refuse Diverted Annually


Annual Cost Savings

ReThink Disposable - Stop waste before it starts

Reducing Single-Use Food Packaging

ReThink Disposable works with local governments, businesses and institutions, and consumers of single use food packaging to inspire a cultural shift away from single-use "throwaway" lifestyle.

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