Simple behavior changes and personal consumer choices can significantly impact how much waste and potential litter each of us produces. ReThink Disposable has tips and resources to engage and educate the community to take action.
- Start reducing, reusing, refusing, and reacting now! Check out our tips and strategies to unpackage your life and take the pledge to reduce disposables in your life!
Need educational materials and handouts for your creek and beach cleanups?
- From research and publications to community educational materials and handouts, we've created plenty of resources for you to learn and share.
Have a favorite restaurant that you eat at often using too many disposables?
- Ask them to sign up for ReThink Disposable, our free technical assistance program that helps businesses implement voluntary best management practices to reduce waste and cut costs by minimizing disposable product usage.
Are you a local watershed or community group hosting an event?
- Contact our ReThink Disposable Team below to find out how you can incorporate ReThink Disposable messaging and materials into your community outreach and education efforts.
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