Happy Summer! Welcome to Clean Water on the Move, your monthly update from Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund. Take a look at what our amazing staff has been up to and what is coming in the month ahead. Thanks for your ongoing support for our work towards a healthy environment for all.
Environmental Justice Rules
The long-awaited Environmental Justice Rules and Regulations were recently released by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The 90-day public comment period (through September 4th) has begun with evening hearings scheduled in Camden, Newark and Trenton. Clean Water Action, Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) and NJ Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA) championed the historic Environmental Justice law signing Governor Murphy in 2020 and worked with the NJDEP on the rule making. Together, we are launching a public comment campaign to ensure the final rules remain strong and protects largely Black, Brown and low income NJ communities that have long been plagued by multiple polluting facilities. Stay tuned!
Clean Air & Climate Justice
Clean Water Action and our Empower NJ coalition partners formally filed petitions against the NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and NJ Transit Authority for failing to take steps to meet Governor Murphy’s greenhouse gas emissions benchmarks. NJ Transit is still proposing a fracked gas power plant while the Turnpike Authority plans spend billions of dollars to widen 100’s of miles of highways including more lanes into the Holland Tunnel. We want funds dedicated to “fix it first”, mass transit and its electrification, not more lanes which means more cars stuck in traffic. On June 23rd, our energized canvass team joined hundreds of people from across the state in a march and rally calling on the governor to stop all proposed fossil fuel projects.
Green Amendment
On June 16th, Clean Water Action rallied in Trenton for the proposed Green Amendment in Trenton that would help secure a livable future for New Jerseyans, whose right to clean air and water is not adequately protected by our current laws. Everyone should have the right to live in healthy environments and a stable climate, including future generations. A NJ Green Amendment would constitutionally guarantee this right. Our NJ Environmental Justice organizer, Terrance Bankston spoke eloquently at the Trenton. “The right to clean water and air has been moving at the pace of a snail. Once again, New Jersey is left behind vs. trailblazing and setting or joining national trends.” Learn more and take action.
Democracy in Action
Clean Water Action interns went to Trenton to lobby legislators to support the Clean Energy Equity Act, the constitutional green amendment, and to oppose dirty fossil fuel projects including the proposed gas plant at the Passaic Valley Sewage Commission. For many, this was their first time in Trenton and they got a bird’s eye view of democracy in action. It won’t be their last visit to the statehouse.
Our campaign organizer Eric Benson testified in Trenton in support of Extended Producer Responsibility that would require manufacturers to pay for the collection and recycling of their products while encouraging them to design products that are less toxic, more durable, and more recyclable. Judith Enck, a former USA EPA Region 2 Administrator made a special trip to Trenton to testify before Senator Bob Smith’s committee. Learn more about extended producer responsibility on our website.
- N.J. to order emergency rules on new construction in areas slammed by floods – Star Ledger
- Environmentalists say new fossil fuel projects could derail NJ’s climate goals – NJ Spotlight
- The dangerous business of dismantling America’s aging nuclear plants – Washington Post
- Hundreds rally in Trenton to Stop Fossil Fuel Plants – NJ Spotlight (video@.29 sec. marker)
- Clean Water 50 Stories: Janet Tauro
- Stop the PVSC Power Plant
- Governor Murphy needs to stop all pending fossil fuel projects from getting built
- Clean Water Action Opportunities
This link displays all positions across the country including New Jersey Canvass Director, Community Outreach Workers (summer special election project and year round), Zero Emissions Organizer and Financial Assistant/Development Associate.