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Clean Water Action works in New Jersey to protect water and health, from watershed to water tap. Our New Jersey campaigns focus on clean water for all, climate change, green energy, environmental justice, and zero waste.




Zero Waste for New Jersey

We're on a mission to create a world without waste! Clean Water Action is working to reduce single-use waste due to its adverse impacts on our health, from creation to disposal. 

Environmental Justice & Equity in NJ

Working to build economic, social and environmental justice (EJ) in New Jersey's urban communities faced with the disproportionate impacts of pollution.

ReThink Disposable in New Jersey

ReThink Disposable, a program of Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund, prevents waste before it starts by working with local governments, businesses and institutions, and consumers to minimize single use disposable packaging in food service to conserve resources, prevent waste and ocean litter pollution.

Civic Engagement, and Democracy in NJ

Working to educate and empower the public, hold elected officials accountable, and build grassroots strength to change politics and environmental policy in New Jersey and across the country.

State Offices:

570 N. Broad Street
Suite 6
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
United States