Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of going zero waste in your life? Most people who want to produce minimum amounts of waste are afraid of the extra costs and hassle that comes from a zero waste lifestyle. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started while keeping cost low and hassle even lower.
“I think everybody wants to do the right thing but some of us need more encouragement than others. This program has kept us accountable, which is great. I have wanted to make these changes for a while now and some of the changes I haven’t even thought of before, so I am glad to have signed up for this program.”
Can your start seeds in a way that requires no electricity, uses upcycled containers, needs minimal water, and where seeds mostly take care of themselves until they’re ready to plant in your garden? Meet Winter Sowing!
A switch back to single-use plastics does nothing to stop COVID-19, but it does undermine recent efforts to reduce our reliance on a material that pollutes our world in every stage of its life: manufacture, disposal, and eventual breakdown in our oceans.
Over the course of the project, our team trained 27 volunteer ambassadors, 10 student interns, and 24 litter survey volunteers who analyzed disposable food packaging found on Park Street in Alameda before ReThink Disposable intervention. Outside of our interaction with businesses, we developed relationships with members of local government and leaders of community groups.
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